Canbury Gardens shared use cycle and pedestrian pathway trial

Closed 31 Oct 2023

Opened 14 Sep 2023

Feedback updated 18 Jan 2024

We asked

What do you think of the plans for a shared use pedestrian and cycle path in Canbury Gardens?

You said

Over 130 people responded to the survey. Those in favour of the trial commented: 

  • Existing cycle route is in a poor condition 

  • Conflict already exists between pedestrians and cyclists accessing the riverside

  • Lack of clarity and signage 

  • Support for rewilding and improving the path beside the river and pedestrianising this

Some respondents expressed concern about the trial. The comments raised included:  

  • Concern about potential increase in conflict between pedestrians and cyclists and particular concern about the impact of the trail shared use path on blind and partially sighted people, wheelchair users, children, dogs, elderly and less mobile people. 

  • Prefer to have segregated paths for pedestrians and cyclists.

  • Prefer cycling to be banned from Canbury Gardens altogether and for cyclists to use Lower Ham Road. 

  • Concern about the speed of cyclists using the trial shared path.

We did

As part of the engagement and in response to the feedback received we've taken a number of steps to address many of the issues raised:

  • Held a site meeting with representatives of local groups for people with visual impairments to discuss the proposal and what could be done to address their concerns. We will hold regular meetings together during the trial in order to capture any additional works that may be needed. 

  • Added more tactile  paving to the plan at entrance points and meeting points with other internal pathways.

  • Updated the plan to include additional signage to support the trial scheme, that will encourage cyclists to slow down as they enter the shared use area.

  • Updated the plan to include encouraging those who wish to cycle via a faster route to be encouraged to use Lower Ham Road as an alternative.

This updated plan was taken to Kingston and North Kingston Neighbourhood Committee on 28 November 2023 and approved for a 1 year trial. Weather permitting work will being on site to install the trial shared pathway from 22 January 2024.  We will open a new survey to collect your feedback from using the shared pathway once it is in place. 

Results updated 12 Dec 2023

Thank you to everyone who gave us their feedback on the trial shared path in Canbury Gardens. More than 130 people shared their views with us, which are being used to inform the design of the trial.

A report went to the Kingston and North Kingston Neighbourhood Committee, on 28 November. The committee approved a shared use pedestrian and cycle path within Canbury Gardens to be installed for a trial 12 month period.  Work will start early in 2024. A further engagement will take place during the trial to hear about people's experiences and views. 


Canbury Gardens is a Green Flag park, loved by visitors for generations.

In 2021 Kingston Council committed to supporting a 15 year masterplan to protect and enhance Canbury Gardens which was developed following extensive engagement with local people and organisations. 

One element within the masterplan is the creation of a shared pedestrian and cycle pathway. We are planning to introduce shared use trial on the existing footpath so that cyclists and pedestrians can both use this route. This will mean making some changes to the path and signage.

This document helps you visualise the changes before they are made. You can also download the plan from the related section at the bottom of this page.

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A report including initial feedback gained from comments on these plans will be taken to Kingston and Kingston North Neighbourhood Committee on 10 October 2023. Once the trial is underway from November 2023 you will be able to feedback your experiences of using the shared scheme to shape the design of a permanent shared pathway.

Whilst the trial is underway the existing cycle path remains in place. In future, if the existing cycle path is no longer needed it will enable the eco system of the riverbank to rewild and return to a more naturalised state. This will support biodiversity and increase public access to nature.

Why your views matter

Your feedback on the trial scheme now and your experiences of the trial scheme once it is in place will be used to shape decisions about making a permanent changes to routes for cyclists and pedestrians in Canbury Gardens so that the routes are safer and fairer for all users.

This work also supports our priority of being a greener borough, supporting active travel and naturalisation of the river front. 

If you have you have any question please contact or call the council's contact centre on 020 8547 5000 and ask for Colin Stuart to call you back.


  • Kingston and North Kingston


  • Community groups/ organisations/Residents' Associations
  • Voluntary and community sector groups/ organisations
  • Councillors
  • Residents


  • Neighbourhoods
  • Highways and Transport
  • Planning
  • Regeneration
  • Parks & green spaces