Welcome to Kingston: Let's Talk
Here you will find out Kingston Council's latest consultations and engagement opportunities. Have your say on local issues that matter to you and help shape decision-making in Kingston upon Thames.
We will also keep this website updated with the results and outcomes of your feedback.
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Featured engagement opportunities and consultations
Inclusive Kingston
We are deeply committed to building a community where fairness and inclusion are at the heart of everything we do. Your council has an important role in reducing inequality and establishing our communities as an area with equal opportunities. We are proud of our diverse borough, where different cultures and lifestyles come together and are celebrated. We are working on a new equality, diversity and inclusion strategy that will serve as our framework to address inequalities and promote...
Electric Vehicle Charging Points, your suggestions
We want to hear your suggestions for future on-street Electric Vehicle (EV) charging point locations. We are committed to supporting residents and businesses as they make the switch to cleaner, greener vehicles. We want to create a sustainable green economy for Kingston, with everyone taking responsibility for their impact on the environment, and our work on helping residents' transition to EV is part of our wider package of measures to encourage greener and sustainable travel,...
Kingston Let’s Talk Residents' Panel
Join our Kingston Let’s Talk Residents’ Panel and share your views and experiences to help improve our services and continue to make Kingston a great place to live, work or study. A residents' panel is a group of people who are actively willing to engage with us either face-to-face, over the phone or online to help improve council services and our borough. We run the Kingston Residents’ Panel to consult with, carry out research and inform people on matters of local interest...
Open engagement opportunities and consultations
Inclusive Kingston
We are deeply committed to building a community where fairness and inclusion are at the heart of everything we do. Your council has an important role in reducing inequality and establishing our communities as an area with equal opportunities. We are proud of our diverse borough, where different cultures and lifestyles come together and are celebrated. We are working on a new equality, diversity and inclusion strategy that will serve as our framework to address inequalities and promote...
Annual VCSE Infrastructure Survey
The Annual VCSE Infrastructure Survey aims to gather feedback from organisations within the voluntary, community, and social enterprise (VCSE) sector in Kingston. The goal is to assess the impact of the council's support services, including infrastructure, volunteering, and information/advice networks, on the sector’s capacity to serve the community. We want to recognise your incredible work on the frontline every day, which strengthens our community. This survey gives you the...
Budget Planning 2025-2028
We provide essential support for those most in need and services for everyone to help make our borough a great place to live, work and study. Along with most councils across the country, we are facing a huge challenge to find money to deliver current services, and the pressure is increasing. More people, families and children are struggling and need help, while the costs of delivering services continue to rise. Currently 60p of every £1 of your council tax is spent on these...
Canbury Gardens shared pedestrian and cycle path trial
A shared path for pedestrians and cyclists has been installed in the historic green flag park Canbury Gardens for a one year trial period. The shared path has been created on the existing footpath so that cyclists and pedestrians can both use this route. The aim is to make the park safer and more enjoyable for all users. During the trial we want to hear feedback from park users about your experiences using the shared path. The shared path, if it becomes permanent, will allow...
North Kingston Healthy Streets
Our vision is to create a cleaner, greener Kingston and our streets play a major role in this plan. We want everyone to feel our streets are spaces where they can breathe clean air, walk safely and feel connected to the local community. For several years, residents living on King’s Road, particularly the part between Park Road and Queens Road, have expressed concern about the traffic conditions in the area. We have previously engaged with communities to find a solution and considered...
Your ideas for Kingston and North Kingston
We want to hear your ideas! Kingston & North Kingston is one of four Neighbourhoods in the borough and is made up of six wards: Canbury Gardens Coombe Hill Kingston Gate Kingston Town Norbiton Tudor The Kingston & North Kingston community plan was created using ideas which were submitted by people who live, work or study in the Neighbourhood. The plan is used by the council's Neighbourhood Committee to help it make improvements in the area and in...
Our Streets
Our Streets play a major role in our vision for a Greener Kingston. We want everyone to feel our streets are spaces where they can breathe clean air, walk safely and feel connected to the local community.
We really want your views and suggestions for our programmes to improve Kingston’s neighbourhoods for everyone.
Closed activities
Dickerage Lane and adjoining roads parking management
Our vision is to create a cleaner, greener Kingston and our streets play a major role in this plan. We want everyone to feel our streets are spaces where they can breathe clean air, walk safely and feel connected to the local community. We would like to seek your views on the introduction of a...
Closed 22 December 2024
California Road, Springfield Place, Wellington Crescent and adjoining roads parking management
Our vision is to create a cleaner, greener Kingston and our streets play a major role in this plan. We want everyone to feel our streets are spaces where they can breathe clean air, walk safely and feel connected to the local community. We consulted with residents last year about a proposed...
Closed 22 December 2024
Recommissioning the short breaks service for children and young people
Achieving for Children, which run the borough’s children’s services, is asking for views on the provision of Saturday, holiday and after school club activities, referred to as ‘Aiming High Short Break’ schemes. Short breaks provide children with disabilities and young people with fun,...
Closed 15 December 2024
We asked, you said, we did
Below are outcomes for some of the issues we've recently asked about.
We asked
What do you think of the plans for a shared use pedestrian and cycle path in Canbury Gardens?
You said
Over 130 people responded to the survey. Those in favour of the trial commented:
Existing cycle route is in a poor condition
Conflict already exists between pedestrians and cyclists accessing the riverside
Lack of clarity and signage
Support for rewilding and improving the path beside the river and pedestrianising this
Some respondents expressed concern about the trial. The comments raised included:
Concern about potential increase in conflict between pedestrians and cyclists and particular concern about the impact of the trail shared use path on blind and partially sighted people, wheelchair users, children, dogs, elderly and less mobile people.
Prefer to have segregated paths for pedestrians and cyclists.
Prefer cycling to be banned from Canbury Gardens altogether and for cyclists to use Lower Ham Road.
Concern about the speed of cyclists using the trial shared path.
We did
As part of the engagement and in response to the feedback received we've taken a number of steps to address many of the issues raised:
Held a site meeting with representatives of local groups for people with visual impairments to discuss the proposal and what could be done to address their concerns. We will hold regular meetings together during the trial in order to capture any additional works that may be needed.
Added more tactile paving to the plan at entrance points and meeting points with other internal pathways.
Updated the plan to include additional signage to support the trial scheme, that will encourage cyclists to slow down as they enter the shared use area.
Updated the plan to include encouraging those who wish to cycle via a faster route to be encouraged to use Lower Ham Road as an alternative.
This updated plan was taken to Kingston and North Kingston Neighbourhood Committee on 28 November 2023 and approved for a 1 year trial. Weather permitting work will being on site to install the trial shared pathway from 22 January 2024. We will open a new survey to collect your feedback from using the shared pathway once it is in place.
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