A vision for Kingston town centre

Closed 30 Apr 2023

Opened 1 Mar 2023

Results updated 13 Sep 2023

During 2022 and early 2023 we engaged with many people to shape a vision for the Kingston town centre area.

Thank you to everyone who shared their views.

The final version of the document, Your Vision Our Future, was endorsed by Kingston Council's Place Committee on 20 June 2023.

Watch our video to find out more about the creation of the vision, the three key ambitions and big changes for the town centre.

The final document can be viewed here and is also available to download under the Files heading below. 

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Next steps

The vision document complements the emerging Local Plan by providing a detailed vision and aspirations for the Kingston town centre area. The council will strategically align the Local Plan with the principles and ideas expressed in the vision document.

The next step is to develop planning frameworks, design guidance and delivery strategies and programmes which will enable the ambitions to be delivered on the ground by the council and/or its partners. These will set out the strategic framework for the area’s transformation, regeneration and investment.




Kingston town centre is always changing. Kingston is once again facing a transformational change with many sites coming forward for redevelopment, bringing new investment, uses, residents, jobs and opportunities.

We have a once in a generation opportunity to be proactive and create vision setting out what we want the future of the town centre to look like and how new developments can help deliver this. 

To make sure the vision is deliverable and owned by all, we have followed a new national best practice design process, engaging with a wide variety of people during 2022 and 2023 to create the final document.

During this time we carried out two phases of extensive engagement to inform the community-led vision. 

The engagement began in March 2022 by setting up a demographically representative Citizens’ Panel. They met three times during the year and ran concurrently with workshops and drop in sessions with other local residents, young people, community groups, local businesses, landowners and developers. 

A draft document, Your Vision Our Future, was developed based on over 600 comments. 

A second phase of engagement took place to seek people’s comments on this draft document, from March to April 2023. This was widely promoted and was also supported by a regularly staffed exhibition in the pilot urban room which was set up in the Market House, in Kingston's Market Place. 

Feedback from this further phase of engagement was used to refine the vision and produce the final document.

Your Vision Our Future was endorsed by Kingston's Council's Place Committee on 20 June 2023. 

This page contains materials from the engagement including the initail emerging themes which we sought feedback on and reports from the three workshops with the Citzens' Panel, in 2022.

This video, published in October 2022, shows some of the engagement which took place

Thank you to everyone who shared their views to create the community-led vision.

If you have any questions please email the team at placemaking@kingston.gov.uk


  • Kingston and North Kingston


  • Anyone from any background


  • Health and wellbeing
  • Highways and Transport
  • Climate Change and Environment
  • Participation and Engagement
  • Planning
  • Housing
  • Economic Development and Tourism
  • Business
  • Jobs
  • Regeneration
  • Libraries
  • Museums & Heritage
  • Sport & Leisure
  • Arts & Culture
  • Parks & green spaces