The Draft Autism and ADHD Strategy- Engagement Part 2
Why are we doing this engagement?
- Kingston Council has been working together with local organisations and residents to write a new all-age Autism and ADHD strategy. There is also an Easy Read version on the strategy. A strategy is a document that shows what we want to do and how we are going to do it.
- To develop the strategy, we needed input from residents. This helped us understand what is important.
- The first part of engagement was in May/June 2024. We asked people to have their say on the draft priorities and about life in Kingston for Autistic people/ people with ADHD. Click here if you want to find out more about part 1 of our engagement.
- We have now written a draft strategy that we hope reflects what people said.
Have your say!
- We are sharing the draft strategy with you to ask whether your views have been properly understood, and if the strategy will support Autistic people/ people with ADHD and their families in the best possible way.
- If you weren’t involved with the first part of the engagement in May/June we still want to hear your ideas.
You can read the engagement report from the first part of the engagement to see how we have used your ideas.
What next?
- The feedback in this phase 2 engagement will help shape the final strategy and action plan. We will also do some design work on the document so it looks good.
- When these documents are finished, you will be able to find them on Kingston Council’s website.
- There is an Autism and ADHD Partnership Board which is made up of Experts by Experience and professionals who will work together to action the strategy.
How to get in touch with us
If you have any questions, or need any of the information in a different format, please get in touch with us by emailing us at or call the council’s contact centre on 020 8547 5000 and ask for a member of the Adults Commissioning team to call you back.
We can also help you answer the questions on the phone if this is easier for you.
What happens next
Thank you for sharing your ideas and helping us work together to better support autistic people and people with ADHD in Kingston.
If you have any questions or are interested in becoming a board member/ finding out more about the Kingston Autism and ADHD Partnership Board please email:
This survey has now ended. We are looking at what you have told us and finalising the strategy.
If you provided your email when you completed the survey we will keep you up to date about the project.
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- Anyone from any background
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