Our Streets

Our Streets play a major role in our vision for a Greener Kingston. We want everyone to feel our streets are spaces where they can breathe clean air, walk safely and feel connected to the local community. 

We really want your views and suggestions for our programmes to improve Kingston’s neighbourhoods for everyone.

Together we can design greener, safer streets for current and future generations.

Open engagement opportunities and consultations

Share your views on travel in your neighbourhood

Cambridge Road Estate Phase 2

The Cambridge Road Estate regeneration received consent in July 2022, and Phase 1 of construction is now well underway. Outline Planning Permission has been approved for Phase 2, setting the rules for where buildings go, how tall they can be, and what they are used for. Now, the project team will be developing and consulting on the detailed designs for Phase 2. This will focus on the look and feel of the buildings, accessibility, ensuring the size is right and creating a landscape...

Canbury Gardens shared pedestrian and cycle path trial

A shared path for pedestrians and cyclists has been installed in the historic green flag park Canbury Gardens for a one year trial period. The shared path has been created on the existing footpath so that cyclists and pedestrians can both use this route. The aim is to make the park safer and more enjoyable for all users. During the trial we want to hear feedback from park users about your experiences using the shared path. The shared path, if it becomes permanent, will allow...

Electric Vehicle Charging Points, your suggestions

We want to hear your suggestions for future on-street Electric Vehicle (EV) charging point locations. We are committed to supporting residents and businesses as they make the switch to cleaner, greener vehicles. We want to create a sustainable green economy for Kingston, with everyone taking responsibility for their impact on the environment, and our work on helping residents' transition to EV is part of our wider package of measures to encourage greener and sustainable travel,...

Toilets in Canbury Gardens

Canbury Gardens is an historic Green Flag park hosting a range of actvities and events enjoyed by the local community and visitors. Via the Canbury Gardens Working Party and in other forums park users and the community have requested public toilet facilities to be made available within the gardens. Toilets are particularly required during the peak summer months when many people are using the Gardens attracted by events such as Sunday bandstand concerts and the annual dragon boat race. ...

North Kingston Healthy Streets

Our vision is to create a cleaner, greener Kingston and our streets play a major role in this plan. We want everyone to feel our streets are spaces where they can breathe clean air, walk safely and feel connected to the local community. For several years, residents living on King’s Road, particularly the part between Park Road and Queens Road, have expressed concern about the traffic conditions in the area. We have previously engaged with communities to find a solution and considered...