Toilets in Canbury Gardens

Closed 30 Sep 2024

Opened 5 Jul 2024

Feedback expected 4 Nov 2024

Results updated 21 Oct 2024

A temporary toilet was placed in Canbury Gardens for the summer period of 2024. The toilets formed part of a trial following requests from the community to provide additional conveniences in response to increase in events and footfall of the park in the peak season. A survey was published to capture the feedback from the community and visitors to the park. The outline of the trial can be viewed online

The toilet has now been removed from Canbury Gardens following the conclusion of the trial period in October 2024. The survey has also now closed and the council has reviewed and listened to the feedback. We thank all of the residents and park users who took the time to submit comments and feedback and a total of 289 completed surveys have been received. Your input will help determine future plans and considerations for additional public conveniences in Canbury Gardens, including the closely related Changing Places project (toilet and changing room facilities for people with additional needs) that is currently in planning.  A brief outline of the feedback has been captured below:

General Comments and satisfaction scores

The overall addition of the toilet has been well received with feedback highlighting the benefits of the disabled access and baby changing facilities. The survey scores suggest that individuals and families are likely to visit the gardens regularly and remain in the grounds for longer periods should these amenities be provided in the future. Feedback also suggested that additional toilets should become a permanent feature of the site with access provided throughout the year.

We have noted the feedback regarding the location used in the trial period and the appearance of the cabin. Alternative locations will be considered should the provision of the facility become a permanent feature of the site or considered for seasonal use. The exterior design and appearance will also be taken into consideration. Additional cleansing and operational times may also be considered following comments on maintenance and access in early hours.

We thank all those who have participated. The council will continue to analyse the feedback from the survey and ongoing comments from the community and park users. The Council will be sure to conduct additional consultation with the community should future developments regarding the use of temporary or permanent facilities within Canbury Gardens arise.


Canbury Gardens is an historic Green Flag park hosting a range of actvities and events enjoyed by the local community and visitors. Via the Canbury Gardens Working Party and in other forums park users and the community have requested public toilet facilities to be made available within the gardens. Toilets are particularly required during the peak summer months when many people are using the Gardens attracted by events such as Sunday bandstand concerts and the annual dragon boat race.

Image showing Canbury Gardens Park looking towards the river

Based on this feedback the Council are providing temporary toilets for the benefit of visitors to Canbury Gardens. The temporary facilities include standard toilets and accessible toilets, baby changing facilities and an access ramp. The toilet unit will be in place over the peak summer period from July to October. Use of the toilets is free. They will be opened from early morning until late afternoon/early evening. 

Positioning the temporary toilet unit

The location for the temporary toilet unit has been selected to be central, near popular areas such as the play area, ball court and outdoor gym.

The toilets unit is located next to the pathway leading to Boaters Inn from Lower Ham Road. 

  • The drainage survey found that the waste pipe which services the pub did have capacity to be connected into.
  • This location also enables easy access for inclusive use ensuring that the toilets are accessible for people with disabilities as well as individuals of all ages.

Which locations were found unsuitable for the Toilet unit?

In order for the toilet unit to be functional it needs to be connected up to existing utilities and most importantly a sewage outlet. Numerous utility checks and surveys were carried out to find potential locations in the Gardens near to the required utilities.

The following areas were looked at:

  1. The area next to the cafe and Kings Walk 

  • Following a survey it was found that the drainage capacity of the waste pipe in that location was not sufficient to have the temporary unit plumbed in.  
  1. The southern entrance to the Gardens 

  • This was not considered a suitable location due to being away from the high use areas.


The toilet unit is rented monthly and is to be in place until the end of October when the toilets will be closed and the unit will be removed.

How to get in touch with us

If you have any questions, or need any of the information in a different format, please get in touch with us via phone: 020 8547 5000, or email

Why your views matter

We are asking users of the park and the local community for their views on the trial to understand the potential of continuing the seasonal unit in future years, or seeking a permanent external toilet block within Canbury Gardens, funding permitting.

What happens next

Thank you for your interest in this survey, it is now closed.

We will publish the findings of the feedback shortly along with the next steps.


  • Canbury Gardens


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