Clayton Road Zebra Crossing Proposal

Closed 7 Oct 2024

Opened 9 Sep 2024

Results updated 10 Oct 2024

Thank you for your interest in this consultation, which has now closed.

We are reviewing all of the feedback and preparing a report with recommendations for the next steps. This report will go to the 4 December 2024 meeting of the South of the Borough Neighbourhood Committee for consideration and decision. 



Our vision is to create a cleaner, greenChildren crossing on a zebra crossinger Kingston and our streets play a major role in this plan. We want everyone to feel our streets are spaces where they can breathe clean air, walk safely and feel connected to the local community

Feedback from a number of residents, about an improved road crossing, followed up with site visits and observations have prompted us to propose a Zebra crossing to give residents a formal crossing point on Clayton Road between Devon Way and Cricketers Close.

To ensure the safety and practicality of any scheme and as part of our standard consultation process, the plan was shared with Emergency Services to review and provide feedback, they play a crucial role in identifying any safety concerns and ensuring the scheme is safe for all road users. 

The feedback from the Emergency Services recommended removing two parking spaces on the northern side of the crossing for vehicles approaching from the westbound direction. It was noted that parked vehicles could obstruct visibility for pedestrians crossing from the northern side to the southern side, presenting a safety risk.

In response to these findings, we have revised the initial proposal to incorporate the recommendations from Emergency Services. 

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The proposal would significantly enhance pedestrian safety by providing a permanent crossing point, particularly important for the many families and children who use this route daily to access the nearby children's nursery and Lovelace Primary School.

This crossing would encourage active travel by making it safer and more appealing for all road users, contributing to healthier lifestyles and reducing traffic. Additionally, the presence of a zebra crossing tends to slow down vehicles, promoting a safer and more pleasant environment.  The proposed crossing will be raised to provide better visibility to pedestrians and allow drivers to make informed decisions and reduce speed. 

We have carefully considered the needs of the residents and designed our scheme so it does not impact the existing parking capacity on the road. 

We want to hear your thoughts on this new Zebra crossing proposal. 

If you need help accessing materials or responding to our survey, please email us at or call our contact centre on 0208 547 5000 and ask for a member of the Highways Engagement & Commissioning team to call you back. 

Why your views matter

We want to hear your thoughts on a new zebra crossing and experiences of crossing Clayton Road.

We will review all of the feedback we receive and prepare a report with recommendations for the next steps. This report will go to the 4th December 2024 meeting of the South of the Borough Neighbourhood Committee for consideration and decision.

What happens next

Thank you to everyone who shared their views. We will review all of the feedback and prepare a report with recommendations for the next steps. This report will go to the December 2024 meeting of the South of the Borough Neighbourhood Committee for consideration and decision. 


  • Chessington South and Malden Rushett
  • Hook and Chessington North
  • South of the Borough


  • Residents


  • Highways and Transport
  • Primary schools