Budget Planning 2025-2028
We provide essential support for those most in need and services for everyone to help make our borough a great place to live, work and study.
Along with most councils across the country, we are facing a huge challenge to find money to deliver current services, and the pressure is increasing.
More people, families and children are struggling and need help, while the costs of delivering services continue to rise. Currently 60p of every £1 of your council tax is spent on these services.
We have to make very difficult choices to balance our budget and focus on ensuring we can deliver core services for those most in need.
Kingston Council has agreed a budget for 2024-25 that focuses on delivering core services for residents most in need and continues its work with partners to create a fairer, safer, greener borough for all.
More information about this can be found by viewing our budget page on the council’s website.
While we have been able to balance the budget for 2024-25, this has been even more difficult to achieve than last year. As well as delivering our budget commitments, we must continue to take a long term approach to manage the significant budget gap between the money we receive and the cost of delivering services for future years. It is crucial that we keep pace with our budget planning.
We are committed to minimising the impact to services through different ways of delivery, working with our partners and communities to save money and identifying reasonable opportunities to generate income.
Share your views
We are keen to hear your views on how we plan our finances over the next three years, from 2025 to 2028.
Use the online form below to share your views about how you think we should plan our budget and set priorities for the longer term.
How to get in touch with us
If you have any questions please get in touch with us via email engagement@kingston.gov.uk or call our customer contact centre on 020 8547 5000 and ask for someone from the Engagement team to call you back.
Why your views matter
We will continue to listen to your feedback and provide opportunities for you to have your say as we deliver on this year’s budget and continue to move forward with longer term budget setting over the coming months.
Share your views to help us plan our finances over the next three years
- All Areas
- Anyone from any background
- Budget
- Council tax
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