Tolworth Area Healthy Streets
Results updated 7 Mar 2024
Thank you for your feedback we recieved 275 responses. A decision about Tolworth Healthy Streets will be made at a special meeting of Surbiton Neighbourhood Committee on 13 March 2024, 7.30pm at Glenmore House, The Crescent Surbition KT6 4BN.
Following extensive discussions and community engagement in Tolworth, we are now seeking your views on some initial proposals to improve the streets in the neighbourhood.
We previously shared a range of potential measures which could be introduced to make travel safer and more sustainable. Based on feedback from residents and the results of a study using the Healthy Streets indicators, on 20 September 2023 the Surbiton Neighbourhood Committee approved a package of Healthy Streets proposals, supported by continued local engagement.
Due to the restrictions on available funding, we have prioritised some of the improvements so that they can be delivered in the financial year 2023/24. These have been agreed by the Committee, subject to engagement and support.
We are asking everyone in the community to feedback on:
- Introducing double yellow lines, to prevent unsafe parking, at all junctions in the area that currently do not have them. This will impact parking within 10m of the junction.
- Locations where you would like to see new benches and trees in the area. The footpath needs to be at least 2m wide to accommodate a new bench or tree, or the path can be built out into the road, although this may result in the loss of parking space.
We are also proposing to put in place four new zebra crossings to improve safety, encourage more walking and reduce the speed of vehicles in the area. We are asking people living next to the four proposed crossing locations for their views. The proposed crossings are:
- A zebra crossing with a parallel cycle crossing in Thornhill Road east of Thornhill Avenue
- A zebra crossing in Thornhill Road east of Douglas Road
- A zebra crossing in Douglas Road outside Tolworth Junior School access point
- A zebra crossing in Tolworth Road east of Kent Way.
Share your thoughts
Please use the online survey below to share your views on these proposals. In the Related section at the bottom of the page you will find a list of locations where double yellow lines are proposed, drawings of each junction and the proposed crossings.
If you would like any further information, need help submitting your comments, or have questions about the proposals, please email or call us on 020 8547 5000 and ask to speak to a member of the Highways Engagement and Commissioning team.
Why your views matter
We want to know what you think of the proposals.
When we have received your feedback we will prepare a report which will be presented to the Surbiton Neighbourhood Committee on 21 March 2024 to make a decision on the future of the schemes. We will let you know how your feedback has been used to inform the Committee's decision.
What happens next
Thank you to everyone who gave us their views. We are reviewing your comments and preparing a report which will be presented to a special meeting of the Surbiton Neighbourhood Committee on 13 March 2024 to make a decision on the future of the schemes. This meeting has been added to the schedule and is earlier than the original committee date (21 March 2024).
We will update residents and this page about the Committee’s decision.
- Tolworth
- Anyone from any background
- Parking
- Neighbourhoods
- Highways and Transport
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